Aug 5th is our Grand Re Opening of our clinic at a beautiful new location! With a big thumb on my nose to COVID19! Stupid virus COMEPLETELY turned our worlds upside down.
I've been closed for four months. In that time I realized I could not safely have my practice in my house since my husband is extremely high risk. He has Cardiac Sudden Death Syndrome. so I found a great space and have worked hard to create a clinic that feels the same as what you have come to expect..maybe it will feel even better.
There ARE bathrooms right across the hall from my suite. You will need to get the key from me before you can use it.
It IS handicapped accessible.
Parking is available in the parking lot attached to the building. Park in the spots labeled Client Parking.
Some things have changed. Going forward:
Whenever a client has an appointment they will be asked if they have traveled in the last 2 weeks. if so, then they have to reschedule their appointment for at least 2 weeks from their date of return from traveling in order to make sure they were not infectious.
Upon arrival at the clinic, the clients temperature will be taken with a No touch thermometer. If it reads above. 98.6 degrees, the appointment will be rescheduled.
All clients MUST wear a mask AT ALL times during their visit to the clinic. This is not up for discussion. When FACE DOWN I do have a solution to the mask being uncomfortable. There will be a 'feed bag' or 'face hammock' that I will use so you do not have to wear the mask while face DOWN. Once you turn over to face UP, the mask goes back on.
Therapists will also wear face mask , face shield and an apron that are changed with each client.
There will be a small health questionnaire to fill out at the beginning of EVERY session. Your answers determine if you can get a session that day or if you have to reschedule.
All memberships are still paused and will not resume. Any sessions on file CAN be used.
Appointment times have changed. For now, I am only booking THREE sessions per day in order to have the hour between each client to sanitize the clinic.
There is a price increase from $60 to $65 per hour. I realize I JUST had a price increase in January. I had no idea that in 3 months time, I would need to move locations, incurring expenses i've never had before AND suddenly have expenses for PPE. I hope you understand.
The new location is :
421 W Broadway (Inside the US band building)
Suite 302 (3rd floor- take the elevators)
phone number is the same 712 326 6002
email: info@serenitymassage and energywork .com (no spaces)
1st session will be at noon. Others will be spaced with an hour between. Yes, Im still doing 90 min and 2 hour sessions.
Online booking is NOT enabled at this time- you will have to call or txt me. Recurring appointments ARE available.
If you have a Saturday or Sunday appointment, you will have to call or txt me so I can come down and let you in the building. The owners lock it up on the weekends.
Here is a link to our Grand Re Opening Special!
This is an exciting (and also scary) time for me and Serenity! I hope to see you all soon.