Rev. J. Maya Ravensong-Lawrence

Apr 30, 2023

Welcome to Fresha!

We’re very excited to share some important updates. Serenity Massage & Energywork Day Spa has moved to a new booking platform - FRESHA.

I hope this email finds you well (like literally I hope the new system works well and this email found its way to you)! I realize changi

ng platforms is a pain and I am sorry about that. Varago just was too unstable- you all had to continuously call to book because booking online was not working. I really hope Fresha works better for us all.

Please add this email address to your ‘approved’ list so you don't miss out on appointment reminders and special offers.


Speaking of special offers:


how Mom You Love Her! Mother’s Day Special 1 hour massage - There are not enough words to tell mom how much you love her. So we've put together the perfect gift for her: Aromatherapy massage, Bourbon Bubbler Hand & Foot scrub, facial massage with cleanser, toner and a facial mousse all from FarmHouse Fresh, a cool towel over the eyes to reduce puffiness, and luxurious seasonal body butter used throughout. From $120 used code MOM23 at checkout all throughout May for a 15% discount.

Give Dad Some Stress Relief

1 hour massage with focused hot stones to provide deep muscle ease, followed by a deep percussion gun to the same area to loosen up those stiff and sore muscles, following up with our CBD enrichments throughout the entire massage to really help induce a state of relaxation and stress relief. From $115 CODE SUMMER23 at checkout to get 15% off


Proud of that Grad!

Graduation is the end and beginning of one's path. It took hard work, dedication and sacrifice to make it happen! Show that grad how proud you are of them and give them some much needed wellness. 1 hour massage with infused Hot towels to the back to ease the stress of finals away, aromatherapy throughout, a steaming infused foot wrap finishing with honey heel glaze to lock in the moisture. From $95 CODE SUMMER23 at checkout to get 15% off

Memberships ALL memberships that were signed up on our old platform - Vagaro- have been canceled. If you had a session due- it is in your Fresha notes- call to book and we will take care of you.


You will have to sign up for a membership on Fresha if you want to continue to receive those discounts. If you choose to keep your membership canceled, no penalties will be assessed as this move was entirely our doing.


Membership pricing will increase June 1st 2023. If you are already a member, your pricing will not increase.


The new system DOES allow you to book your membership session online- WHOOT! If you want a longer session than your member hour- add our Time Extension to add 30 or an hour to your member session.

Members still get 15% off all other services- including time extensions to your 1 our member service. Use code MEMBER at checkout.


People using this code who are not members, will be required to pay the correct amount at checkout.

The new system requires all bookings to pay a 50% deposit if booking in person or over the phone. booking online is 100%. A notification will be sent to you for you to confirm your appointment. We no longer take credit card info from you- this makes the transaction more secure for you and eliminates typos on our end. If you do not confirm your session within 24 hours, the session will be canceled.


We have a couple new students coming on board so be sure to give them a try!

We are moving into our summer menu! Check out those seasonal sessions on our website!

Thank you all for your continued patronage! We are honored to be a part of your wellness journey.

Be Well

